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  • Writer's pictureTeague Peterson-McGuire

Ytterboe the Dog, St. Olaf's Legendary Mascot

On May 22, 1957, Ytterboe the dog was slain in cold blood by Northfield police officer Percy Morris. He was shot on the hill next to Rolvaag Memorial Library, as several students watched in horror. What followed can only be described as a riot, as students marched down to the Northfield Police Department, demanding justice. They burned an effigy of the officer responsible and pleaded to have their dog's body returned to them for burial. The officers and school administrators were powerless to stop the mob, as when the Deans of Men from both Carleton and St. Olaf begged students to cease, they were pelted with tomatoes and eggs. Finally the students dispersed.

Ytterboe's body was recovered from the city dump, and a funeral was held the following day. A hearse was acquired, as well as a coffin, and Ytterboe was buried in style in the hill next to Rolvaag Memorial Library, with an estimated 2500 mourners arriving to pay their respects. Songs were sung, poems were written, and obituaries were delivered. Ytterboe's memory lives on today and always, immortalized in St. Olaf history.

For a more information on the story of Ytterboe, please listen to our episode on his saga. You can also watch the "dogumentary" on him at this link:

More information can also be found in The Olaf Messenger's archive:

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